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StEP Klima 2.0, S. 29 © Dirk Laubner


As a strategic spatial concept for urban space throughout Berlin, the Urban Development Plan Climate 2.0 describes how Berlin can achieve its target of becoming climate neutral by 2045. The plan was passed by the Senate in late 2022 – and has thus replaced the 2011 plan, “StEP Klima konkret.”

Passed by the Berlin Senate on 20 December, the Urban Development Plan Climate 2.0 (“Stadtentwicklungsplan Klima 2.0”, StEP Klima 2.0) defines four interlocking fields of action, namely:

  • “Blue-green adaptation of housing stock and new constructions”
  • “Climate-optimisation of green areas and open spaces for a cooler environment”
  • “Harnessing synergies between the city and water”
  • “Taking precautions against strong rains and floods”

StEP Klima 2.0 furthermore also includes a spatial setting for housing development in Berlin for the first time. Titled “Protecting the climate through short distances”, the approach focuses on development options for Berlin’s urban centres as well as a radius around regional rail transport stops ensuring they can be reached in no more than six minutes by means of “active mobility”; this includes walking and cycling.

“StEP Klima 2.0 is a conceptional, spatial foundation for Berlin to reach its target of becoming climate-neutral by 2045,” says Andreas Geisel, Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing. The plan highlights areas in which Berlin can grow in a climate-friendly manner as well as challenges in new construction and housing stock and how these can be shaped during climate change, he explains. “In view of expected further urban growth, StEP Klima contributes to securing high quality of life in Berlin.”

At the same time, StEP Klima 2.0 helps implement the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection programme (BEK) (German only) and supports the ongoing updating of urban development plans for housing and businesses. Ten types of urban structures and open spaces typically found in Berlin describe how existing constructions and other applications can be shaped in a climate-friendly manner and are accompanied by a large repertoire of measures. Five concrete Berlin projects illustrate these planning and implementation measures. (vdo)








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