For years, many intelligent projects have been and are being launched in Berlin - with smart ideas from science, business and the committed civil society. The city's smart projects are characterized by innovative thinking and new technologies. In numerous fields of action, they offer approaches to solving the city's current challenges. They are thus on a par with the five implementation projects of the Smart City Berlin model project and underscore the city's excellence.
arc32 (BSR)
With the arc32 dropping aid, waste disposal is also easy for wheelchair users, people with walking aids, smaller or elderly persons. Project period: 2017 - today
DIN SPEC 91357 Reference Architecture Model Open Urban Platform (OUP)
The development of a standard (DIN Specification) for Open Urban Platforms and a related reference model
Adlershof Combifuel filling station

Combifuel filling station
Data Exchange and Cooperation in an Urban Space
Considering urban data platforms, this project raises data situations, potentials and requirements.
Clean Tech Business Park Berlin-Marzahn
The CleanTech Business Park Berlin-Marzahn is Berlin's largest interconnected industrial area with 90 hectares. Project period: completion of the construction works 2016 - today

Thanks to this app, Berliners can now find all BSR locations quickly and conveniently on the go. Project period: 2016 - today
Biotech-Campus Berlin-Buch
Berlin-Buch has been renowned for its clinics and cutting-edge research for about 100 years and is today one of the largest biomedical locations in Germany. Project period: 2013 - today
Berliner Stadtreinigung AöR Biogas Plant West
Biogas Plant West
Berlin TXL - The Urban Tech Republic
202 ha for research, innovation and technology. The future of cities is explored, designed and built in the Urban Tech Republic.
A change in traffic can only be successful if the needs of the citizens are addressed. Therefore, the "Initiative local traffic change" (INLOVE) wants practical ideas together with interested citizens, actors and initiatives.
Quartier Heidestraße
Quartier Heidestrasse combines the triad of work, shopping, and life into a uniform utilization concept. Combining all of these functions in one neighbourhood makes for a lively urban quarter offering a high quality of lifestyle.
MEISTER is a project of the EU research and innovation program Horizon 2020.
Smart Urban Farming

Mobile Vielfalt statt Privat-Pkw
Das Folgeprojekt von DEINE SOMMERFLOTTE startet dieses Jahr im gesamten Bezirk Charlottenburg Wilmersdorf
Social and Green IT - AfB

EUREF-Power Station by GASAG Solution Plus

Discover the Energy Transition
Algae Facade Reactor MINT Engineering

Algae Facade Reactor MINT Engineering
Malzfabrik Aquaponic

Aquaponic ECF Farm
Adlershof Smartgrid Alliance (refrigeration network)

Smartgrid Alliance (refrigeration network)
Adlershof Newton project

Newton project
Adlershof LED outdoor lighting

LED outdoor lighting
Adlershof Institute of Physics

Institute of Physics
Adlershof Former Solon Building

Former Solon Building
CityLab Berlin
The CityLAB is an experimental laboratory for the city of the future.
SimRa: Safety in Bicycle Traffic
This project collects – with a strong focus on data protection and privacy – data on such near crashes to identify when and where bicyclists are especially at risk. We also aim to identify the main routes of bicycle traffic in Berlin.
Berliner Stadtreinigung AöR Biogasanlage West

Biogasanlage West
Future Living® Berlin
Berlin-Adlershof is home to a new multi-generational residential district which will make the neighbourhood of the future possible at standard market rents.
Urban Care

This web-based open government platform is designed to ensure a positive and high quality experience for pedestrians walking Berlin’s streets.

Information about the functional status of an elevator should be just as self-evident as information about departure and opening times.
Wheelmap Pro
Information on the accessibility of places should be an integral part of every Smart City.
Werkstatt im CityLAB

A space for experiments with methods from the colour palette of electrical engineering and computer science - and everything else that appeals to your creativity. All activities are related to current digital urban issues.
Innovationskompass für die öffentliche Verwaltung

How does innovation actually work in public administration? At CityLAB Berlin, Politics for Tomorrow is working on the development of an innovation compass for the public sector in German-speaking countries.
Digitale Tools für Radwegeplanung

FixMyBerlin accompanies the Berlin administration in the implementation of the mobility law and develops digital tools for bicycle traffic planning.

Die App möchte Bürger:innen künftig proaktiv und bedarfsgerecht über wichtige Ereignisse aus Politik und Verwaltung informieren. Damit soll Partizipation so einfach wie möglich gemacht werden.
Prozessanalyse Radinfrastruktur (PARI)

The project analyses the processes and procedures that are currently being used to work on the Berlin cycling infrastructure.
Chatbot „Erst- und Verweisinformation für Betroffene von Diskriminierung“

The project aims at developing an bot that provides victims of discrimination with basic information about their rights as well as on counseling centers, it also documents incidents.
Smart Business District
The aim of the Smart Business Disctrict project developed by Berliner Wasserbetriebe and Berliner Stadtreinigung in the InfraLab Berlin innovation network is to build a climate-friendly infrastructure.

The “Prototypenwerkstatt” (“Prototype Workshop”) aims to implement prototypes for digital projects meant to replace about 1,800 IT “micro processes” currently in use in the Berlin city administration.

A 2D model of the CityLAB which visitors can explore, represented by a custom avatar.
Digital Vereint

This project deals with the question of what a centralized, publicly-funded initiative to provide non-profit organizations access to open source software could look like.
Marienfelde Quarter Mariengrün

Model Apartment Pflege@Quartier

Model Apartment Pflege@Quartier
Digitalwerkstatt Verwaltung

how can government forms for citizen services be made more user friendly and overall easier to understand? The answer: ask Berliners themselves!

The LED-Catwalk provides information on all questions relating to outdoor lighting.
Circular Economy House (CRCLR)

Hub for circular economy
Berlin Refreshment Map

A web map of the Berlin city area that visualises temperature conditions, cold air conditions and shaded areas.
Your vegetable garden online IPGarden

Berliner Wasserbetriebe Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Treatment Plant
Berlin Central Station LoRaWAN Gateway

Adlershof Glass CHP plant

Glass CHP plant
Berliner Stadtreinigung AöR Ruhleben waste-to-energy plant

Ruhleben waste-to-energy plant
Science and Technology Park Adlershof

Adlershof has been developed since 1991 on an area of 4.2 km ² to a location for business and science. Project period: since 1991 - today
Subterranean supply- and disposal centre at the Potsdamer Platz

Discreetly sinking and spilling the leftovers - this is what makes ALBA Group plc & Co. KG under Potsdamer Platz.
Heavy rainfall events are becoming more frequent, increasing the danger of flooded streets in urban areas. The SENSARE is a research consortium working on a real-time information system to issue warnings and offer other information services.
Mifactori - City Hacking Programme
The project explores hacking as a method for the invention and development of sustainable and free cities. Project period: 2015 - today
degewo Future House

degewo Future House
Berlin TXL – Schumacher Quartier
As an ecological-social model district, it will offer space for 10,000 people. Project period: 2008 - today (planned implementation until the mid-2030s).
Radbahn is more than a normal bike lane - it is a concept for a bicycle lane that runs below the U1 in Berlin. Project period: 2016 - today
New Mobility Berlin
The project analyzes and supports the introduction of eMobility solutions in Berlin city districts in combination with novel land use concepts and mobility offers.
Das ASCT-Projekt des Fraunhofer Fokus bietet eine barrierefreie Indoor-Navigation für das Smartphone.
meinBerlin is the existing since 2015 Beteligungsplattform of the state of Berlin. Project period: 2015 - today
GreenPack Akku

The GreenPack battery enables mobile use of green energy. Project period: 2014 - today
FUBIC - Campus Dahlem
Since the beginning of the 20th century, Dahlem has developed into a center of science and research with a variety of disciplines and a broad spectrum of scientific activities, and is being systematically expanded. Project period: Construction

The campus promotes innovative solutions for the city of the future and is today regarded as an important location for companies and startups in the areas of sustainability, mobility and energy. Project period: 2008 - today
Energy net Adlershof

Demonstration of an efficient networked energy system for heat, cooling and electricity. Project period: 2016 - 2020
The research project ELEKTRA is therefore concerned with the development of an energy-efficient hybrid-powered inland push barge.
Technology Park Humboldhain
The business and technology center Humboldthain in the inner city district of Mitte combines tradition and future. In the 1980s, the first German Business Incubator (BIG) was founded with the Technology and Innovation Park (TIB). In the adjacent
Campus Charlottenburg / City West
Mit 650 Hektar Fläche ist der Campus Charlottenburg / CITY WEST einer der größten Zentrumsbereiche in Berlin und dient als Referenzort im Bereich Forschung und Innovation. Projektzeitraum: 2010 - heute