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© Jan-Erik Ouwerkerk

Once again the time has come - apply now for the “Green Buddy Award 2025”!

Although much has changed for the better in recent years, we are still a long way from a sustainable, zero-waste and CO2-neutral society. In order to drive this development forward, the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district office has presented the Green Buddy Award every year since 2011 - in cooperation with numerous other partner organizations. 

The Green Buddy Award recognizes committed companies for whom ecology and sustainability are part of their corporate philosophy. Project groups and private initiatives that have made an exemplary contribution to sustainable development are also honored. 

In each of the 6 categories, the winners receive an individually designed Buddy Bear and prize money of 2,000 euros.

Green Buddy Award 2025: 6 categories



for applications from the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district 

Cooperation partners who also donate the prizes and support the award ceremony:  Buddy Bär Berlin GmbH, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, Investitionsbank Berlin, Berliner Stadtreinigung BSR, Marienpark.

Further awards are made by the Handelsverbank Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. and the Environmental and Nature Conservation Office of the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district.

Support: Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien, IHK Berlin, Technologiestiftung Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe, Handwerkskammer Berlin and TU Berlin.

The deadline for application is March 31, 2025

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