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Transition from a throwaway society with its linear production to a circular economy that conserves resources: this is just one of the goals of the Green Deal introduced by the European Commission in 2019. By 2050, the European Union aims to have assumed a global pioneering role in the field of circular economies. With the Zero Waste strategy (German only) passed two years ago, Berlin too has opted for consistent climate protection and resource conservation. Today, Berlin’s circular economy has reduced the city’s greenhouse gas emissions by more than 900,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalents annually and saves around 2.2 million tonnes of primary raw materials.

And Berlin has taken a further step towards the conservation of resources: by signing the European Circular Cities Declaration, part of a Europe-wide urban initiative of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in mid-February. Berlin has thus committed to embedding the process of a sustainable circular economy in every affected area and at the same time emphasised the meaning circularity activities have for the state. By signing the declaration, Berlin has also anchored its Zero Waste strategy at European Level.


  1. To establish clear circular economy goals and strategies to provide a common direction for the local circular transition (“circular economy”)
  2. To raise awareness of circular practices across the administration and amongst local citizens and businesses
  3. To directly engage and cooperate with local stakeholders from civil society, the private sector and the research community in the development of circular economy projects (e.g. share and repair models)
  4. To embed circularity principles in urban planning
  5. To promote environmentally friendly procurement
  6. To apply economic incentives to encourage circular economic and social behaviour
  7. To establish a regulatory framework which encourages the use of secondary materials, the reuse of products and materials and sharing schemes.
  8. To collaborate with national governments and EU institutions to establish an appropriate policy and regulatory framework for the circular transition
  9. To monitor the progress made and impacts of circular economy activities
  10. Annual reporting

ICLEI was founded by the United Nations in New York in 1990. The European urban initiative has tasked itself with establishing and supporting a global municipal movement to achieve tangible global improvements in the field of sustainability through local activities.

The ICLEI Montréal Commitment and Strategic Vision 2018-2024 focuses on various fields of action that include low emissions, circular economies, nature-based solutions, resilience as well as inclusion and/or approaches that are centred on the people who live in our cities . (vdo)

By signing the European declaration, Berlin is intensifying its commitment to resource conservation. The city is thus officially part of a Europe-wide urban initiative of the ICLEI network. (vdo)




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