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Masterplan Industriestadt Berlin 2022–2226: 4 Handlungsfelder
Masterplan Industriestadt Berlin 2022–2026: 4 Handlungsfelder, 3 Transformationslinien

The 2022-2026 Berlin Industrial City Master Plan: With a View to Sustainability and Digitisation

Transformation is the overarching theme of the 2022-2026 Berlin Industrial City Master Plan (MPI). Now in its fourth edition, the MPI was passed by the Berlin Senate in mid-August; it was presented to the Transformation of the Berlin Industry Steering Committee (SKIP) on 7 September.

In addition to the demands of current global crises, Berlin’s industry is facing challenges related to digitisation and sustainable production. One central aim of the new Berlin Industrial City Master Plan (“Masterplan Industriestadt Berlin”) is therefore to further expand the competitive position of Berlin’s industry by promoting the development, testing and application of new technologies, including additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and lightweight construction. “With the 2022-2026 MPI, we aim to strengthen this innovative force while at the same time setting the course for the further development of an industrial policy for Berlin that is geared towards the future,” says Senator for Economics Stephan Schwarz.

To accompany this further development over the course of the coming four years, and ensure it stays on track, the new MPI defines three lines of transformation for Berlin as an industrial location:

  • digital transformation;
  • ecological transformation; and
  • the transformation of the industrial working world.

The three lines of transformation in turn contain four central fields of action:

  • innovation;
  • skills;
  • framework conditions; and
  • communication and networks.

At the same time, the three lines of transformation reflect the overarching trends that will determine industrial production in Berlin in the years to come.

The new MPI also ensures that cross-sectoral matters such as digitisation and the securing of skilled labour are adequately considered. And the MPI has an open nature: actors from companies, networks, associations, universities and research institutions are actively involved.

The Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises has provided budget funds for the concrete implementation of the master plan and will also be responsible for the overarching project management and coordination. The Transformation of the Berlin Industry Steering Committee (“Steuerungskreis Transformation der Berliner Industrie”, SKIP), which reports to the Acting Mayor, will steer the development processes in strategic terms as the central committee.

The 2022-2026 MPI has essentially been defined as a living instrument whose measures can be adapted continually to changing framework conditions or new development trends. Targeted calls for funding during the implementation process which are geared towards the goals and priorities of the new Berlin Industrial City Master Plan aim to ensure the process remains a dynamic one. At the same time, it will be possible to support MPI measures through other, independent sources of funding and financing. In addition, federal and European funding programmes are being sounded out to assess whether the capital is eligible to participate in relation to this project. (vdo)

Masterplan Industriestadt Berlin 2022–2026  (Download pdf), German only)




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