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[Translate to English:] © Messe Berlin
[Translate to English:] © Messe Berlin

First time: International matchmaking event organised by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Berlin-Brandenburg at the Smart Country Convention 2024

An interesting innovation is coming to this year's Smart Country Convention (SCCON) in Berlin: the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Berlin-Brandenburg will organise an international matchmaking event during the convention for the first time. Discover the latest about ‘Stadt.Land.Tech.’ at SCCON and at the same time make new business contacts, partnerships and co-operations at the EEN matchmaking event - an ideal combination.

The Smart Country Convention will take place from 15 to 17 October 2024 at the exhibition grounds in Berlin and is one of the leading platforms for digitalisation in the public sector and smart cities.

What can you expect?

The format is tailored for companies, start-ups, research institutions, administrations and organisations that are looking for new collaborations to further develop innovative ideas or tap into new markets and technologies. Here you can network in a organised and informal setting. The EEN BB team and the B2Match platform are there to support you.

Why should you take part?

  • Targeted partner search: Meet potential business partners, investors or research co-operation partners from all over Europe.
  • Time saving: With matchmaking, you can concentrate on the essentials - high-quality discussions with relevant partners
  • Expanded network: Benefit from the EEN's extensive network and make contacts that go beyond SCCON.
  • Free participation: Participation in the matchmaking event is free of charge, but requires prior registration.

Here's how it works:

  • Register for the matchmaking event a via the following link.
  • Create a profile: Enter your areas of interest, offers and requests to be found by potential partners.
  • Match: Use the platform to arrange appointments with other participants in advance.
  • Meet: Take part in the planned talks and pitches during SCCON and discover new opportunities for your company

Free Tickets for SCCON


See you at SCCON 2024!



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