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Green-AI Hub for SMEs: Third round of applications launched

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMVU) is promoting the sustainable design of AI and its use for the climate and environment as part of the German government's AI strategy.

The Green-AI Hub for SMEs is coordinated by Zukunft - Umwelt - Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH on behalf of the BMVU. Other partners are the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Wuppertal Institute, the VDI Technology Centre and the VDI Centre for Resource Efficiency.

In April 2024, five AI projects for greater resource efficiency in SMEs were launched, which come from a wide range of industries and will implement special AI applications over the next six months.

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The next round of applications for SMEs starts concurrently (in German)

More information on AI Pilot Projects (in German)

SMEs can now apply for the third round as an AI pilot project. Information on how to apply can be found at


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