Gieß den Kiez

What's the point?
Gieß den Kiez is a CityLAB Berlin platform to coordinate the irrigation of Berlin trees. The map shows almost all trees in Berlin with individual information such as water demand, age and species and invites all citizens to participate in the irrigation of our endangered tree population. Citizens can inform themselves about the water demand of trees in their neighbourhood, mark when they have watered and how much and "subscribe" to trees.
The functions at a glance
- Overview of the Berlin tree population: 625,000 Berlin street and plant trees are visualized on an interactive map.
- Exploration of the tree population: For each tree, information on type, age and estimated required water quantity is stored, so that more can be learned about each tree with the help of search and filter functions.
- Watering and subscribing to trees: The platform shows which trees need how much water, depending on their age and urban maintenance. Users* can indicate when they last watered a tree. Trees can also be subscribed to if someone wants to water them regularly. This allows other people in the vicinity to see which trees need their attention.
- Precipitation overview: With the help of daily updated data from the German Weather Service, it is possible to display for each tree how much rainwater it has received in the last 30 days.
- Further information: In addition, the platform contains a wealth of useful information on correct irrigation and tree population, as well as relevant links and contact addresses.
How can I participate?
You can simply register, water and mark the irrigation online. In addition, we will collect feedback over the next few months and consider further development of the first prototype. The platform is in German language only. For the exchange with us and other interested people there is a public Slack channel
Screenshot: Gieß den Kiez/CityLAB Berlin