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The Smart City Berlin network is a cross-sector association of more than 160 stakeholders from business, science, research and administration.
We see ourselves as impulse generators, think tanks and bridge builders for the further development of Berlin into an intelligent, innovation-oriented, citizen-focused and future-proof city.


How can we deal more efficiently and sustainably with our urban environment, urban society and urban economy? This central question is the focus of our work. But more than that, how do we want to live tomorrow? Our aim is to maintain the quality of life without the Berlin-Brandenburg region losing its economic and social attractiveness.


Our open high-level network is interactive and collaborative. Our members benefit from synergies and a direct exchange with Berlin politics. We also support our network partners in initiating, developing and implementing projects - and an Urban Lab with numerous application rooms.

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Our network partners work together in expert and project groups. These are oriented in each case to the focal points of urban development or develop very specific solutions to problems. The expert and project groups are the core of our content work and the framework of our projects. Across sectors and fields of action, they develop solutions for the city of the future.

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DIN SPEC „Wirkungsmessung von Maßnahmen für den kommunalen, regionalen und nationalen Klimaschutz“

Das Smart City Standards Forum (SCSF) initiiert und erarbeitet laufend neue Handlungsleitfäden zu den verschiedenen Themen der digitalen Transformation. Aktuell in der Vorbereitung ist eine DIN SPEC zum Thema Klimaschutz.

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Das CityLAB Berlin wird 5 Jahre – wir gratulieren!

Im Juni 2019 ging in Berlin ein Innovationslabor für Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft an den Start: das CityLAB Berlin.

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Circular City Guide für Berlin

Circular Berlin hat mit finanzieller Unterstützung der "Deutschen Postcode Lotterie" den "Circular City Guide" erstellt, einen Leitfaden, der alle Aspekte der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Berlin abdeckt.

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